I was so inspired last night by the General Relief Society Meeting talks. I liked them all, but especially felt grateful to have a living prophet on the earth today after hearing President Monson's talk. If you missed it, or would like to hear any of the talks again, this is the link in English.
I am so glad to have the gospel in my life. I made a sign for Maddy, to go over her crib, that says "Charity." It has been my mantra over the last few months, as life has had so many challenges. Having the prophet remind us that Charity, the pure love of Christ, is a requirement to return to Heavenly Father was an especially poignant thing for me to hear. I also really liked his thought that Charity is the love of Christ in action. My goal this week is to find as many ways as possible to put my love for Christ into action, in serving others, in turning away from the temptation to judge, and in trying to be more Christlike.