Last Sunday was a busy day for our family. The kids had Primary Programs in both wards, we had a good skype call with Maddy, Joshua had his scout master conference, and we dedicated mom's and Mark's home. At the end of the day we were all a little tired, but happy.
So, if you missed the Primary Program, I will just tell you that the songs this year are great, and that the kids did a great job being patient through two programs on the same day. Kat had her part memorized, Sarah and Josh did a great job reading their parts, and all of them knew all of the songs, including the sign language for one of them. It was really moving to see all of the kids singing and signing to "I'll Walk With You." To see the words to the song,
click here.Joshua has been working hard on finishing up the last few things he needed to do to earn his Arrow of Light. By Sunday, the only thing he had left was his scoutmaster conference. Brother Davis came over right after dinner and did that, so Josh will receive his Arrow of Light on the 28th, at Pack Meeting. (If you don't already have an invitation and want to come, email me or leave a comment and I will get you the info.)
It is hard to believe it is almost the end of October. My younger brother David has his birthday Sunday, and his birthday always seems to be when I start thinking that it is really fall. Happy Birthday David! Hello cold weather!