Monday, November 29, 2010

Hallelujah Chorus - Getting into the season

We always love flashmob videos that are well done. I like this one because there is no fancy choreography, just great singing. I also love that the average age of the people singing is above 40, which is unusual for most flashmob videos I have seen.


Kathy Haynie said...

Oh, this was fun to watch! I agree - good to see grandparents in a flash mob. Beautiful music.

Donna M. said...

I saw the video and cried...because I just love the Hallelujah Chorus...and I wasn't there to participate!

JuliaKoponick said...

I keep thinking I want to do this. I don't think it will be this year, but if I get it pulled together for next year I will post about it ahead of time so everyone who wants to join in can!!