I had a "rotorooter" nose surgery about two weeks ago. I was breathing better from the moment I woke up from surgery. I was also hurting a lot when I woke up. Which I kind of expected. What I hadn't known goign into the surgery was that they needed to take out twice as much tissue as originally planned, and they needed to break all the small bones in my nose to help the airway stay larger.
So, two weeks out, I still hurt. At least I don't have a lot of swelling on the outside of my nose, so you can't tell I had surgery on it, unless you catch me in the middle of a nose bleed. I keep focusing on the fact that I breathe much better than I have since I was a teenager, and that I am lucky to have health insurance that paid for the entire surgery. So, better breathing was both priceless and free.
Priceless, free, painful...
Yes, that sentence was meant to be ironic mom. lol
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