This morning we had an herbal tea party, complete with home-made scones. Kat helped me make the scones, and even learned how to knead scone dough in the bowl. Sheila had fun listening in as I explained why dough must be kneaded.
By the time the scones were baked, Josh and Sarah were up too, and we all had a breakfast of herbal tea, scones, jam and fruit. (Thanks to Grandpa Mark for making the best plum jam, made out of the plums from the tree in the front yard!)
I wish I had thought to get a picture of all of us sipping our tea, but alas, I was too busy buttering scones and helping with jam.
After out tea party the kids tried to teach Sheila how to play "frogger" and "plants vs. zombies." (Those are computer games for the uninitiated.) The game of Hit the Deck we played later in the day was a little more successful, but Sheila was a good sport throughout.
We had a great walk to get some of our wiggles out, and even tried out the new track at Mt Pleasant. (I have walked it before but this was the first time the kids had been on it. It was just put in this summer and is shaped like the state of Oregon, which the kids think is super-cool.)
We found out the teachers that the kids will have for school this year. Sarah will be in Ms. Jarrett's class and Kat in Mrs. Snyder's. We are almost positive Joshua will be in Mr. Pearson's class, but since 5th grade is so big this year, that won't be confirmed until later in the week. Either way, the kids were all happy with knowing who their teachers will be.
I am drinking my last cup of peppermint tea, and getting ready for bed as I write this. Now I just have to decide if the scone that is calling my name is going to join my mug of tea.